iOS 8 – iOS 8.1 Compatible Jailbreak
The entire jailbreak community was taken by surprise yesterday, when the Pangu team released an iOS 8 – iOS 8.1 jailbreak for all iOS devices.
The release wasn’t entirely smooth, however. The jailbreak tool is Chinese only, is only on Windows, and doesn’t include Cydia. A few hours after the release, however, saurik updated Cydia for iOS 8, and we posted a detailed step by step guide on installing Cydia manually:
➤ How to install Cydia on iOS 8 – iOS 8.1 after using Pangu Jailbreak
saurik also released an update to Cydia Substrate, the underlying framework that all jailbreak tweaks depend upon. So here’s a list of all the jailbreak tweaks that work currently:
- AlphaBadge
- BatteryStatusBar
- Barrel
- BluePill
- BlurryBadges
- ClassicDock
- CleverPin
- CustomLS
- Cylinder
- Eclipse
- FlipControlCenter
- f.lux
- Flex 2 Beta
- HideMe7 works almost completely
- iCleaner/Pro
- LockHTML 3
- Mobius
- Nitrous
- NewTerm
- NoLockBounce
- OpenSSH
- OpenSSL
- Phantom for Snapchat
- Power Tap
- PreferenceLoader
- StatusHUD 2
- SubtleLock (iOS 7)
- SwipeSelection
- SwipeExpander (Pop up keys are a tiny bit broken but other than that it works fine)
- TabLess
- TransparentVolume
- Zeppelin
Several readers have reported issues with Winterboard, so we’ve removed it from the list for now.
If your favorite tweak isn’t this list, please give the developers time to update them for iOS 8.
Let us know if you find any other tweaks that are working with iOS 8.
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